Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep

On this site you will find information about this novel and how it fulfills the criteria of being a dystopian fiction. I will also take a closer look on different aspects mentioned in the book.

Escape to Mars: Opportunity Awaits – A New World, A Fresh Start!


Escape to Mars: Opportunity Awaits – A New World, A Fresh Start! 〰️


Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep is one of the most famous works of the American author Philip K. Dick. Published in 1968 it discusses the question of what makes a human really human and how empathy separates us from a fictive species. The movie Bladerunner and its sequel Bladerunner 2049 are based on this book.

  • The story begins with a discussion between Rick and Iran Deckard about there social standing and their electric sheep. The reader learns how the society of Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep perceives wealth and standing.

    While Rick Deckard is on his way to work, he gets the news of Nexus-6 androids escaping to earth. The other bountyhunter of his discrict was heavily injured in the pursuit of one android and now Deckard has to ‘retire’ the ones left.

    To be able to differniate between a human and an android, Deckard heads to the Rosen Association's headquarters, where he gets to test the Voigt-Kampff-Test on Rachel Rosen. Even after attempts of deiception by the Rosens, by hiding the fact that Rachel is an Nexus-6 android, Deckard proves the effectiveness of the Voigt-Kampff-Test and heads to back to San Francisco, where is able to ‘retire‘ 3 of the 6 remaining Nexus-6 androids.

    Those ‘retirements‘ had their toll on Deckard and he thinks of leaving the profession, after buying himself a Nubian goat from the earned bounty. However, his boss convinces him to end the job before the remanining androids can flee and it eventually comes down to the final showdown.

    Before going to the apartmentcomplex of J.R. Isidore, Deckard meets with Rachel in a hotel, where they have an affair and discuss Rachel’s involvment in the hinderance of the work of the bountyhunters. While Deckard ‘retires’ the last 3 androids, Rachel goes to his home and kills his Nubian goat by pushing it from the roof.

    Deckard, heads to the outskirts, where he reflects on his actions and climbs a hill. While climbing he gets hit by a rock he realizes the resemblance to Wilbur Mercer. On his way back down, Deckards finds a toad and brings it home, only to realize that it is an electric fake.

  • Rick Deckard: As the main protagonist of this book, the reader joins the journey of this bountyhunter, who helps the Police Department by ‘retiring’ the escaped Nexus-6 androids from mars.

    Although he is married to Iran Deckard, he gets romantically envolved with the android Rachel.

    During his hunt for the fled androids, Deckard begins to question his profession and starts to see androids as something more than just maschines (Galvan 414). It is left open if he continues his job after the ending of the story.

    J.R.Isidore: Labelled as a ‘chickenhead‘, Isidore is an outcast from society, who lives in a abandoned apartment complex. Through a coincidence he meets the group of escaped androids and tries to help them hiding in his building.

    Even though most chapters are from the point of view from Deckard, the reader also discovers the world through the eyes of Isidore.

    Rachel: Rachel is an android of the newest model, the Nexus-6. In an attempt to deceive Deckard and his Voigt-Kampff test, she claims to be human (BUT WHY? WHY DO THEY PROTECT THE ANDROIDS)

    Deckard is not the first bountyhunter she tries to manipulate by engaging in a romantic relationship. After having an affair with Deckard, she kills his Nubian goat.

    Wilbur Mercer: He is the centrefigure of Mercerism, a religion based on empathy. He is depicted as an old looking man, climbing up an seemingly neverending rocky mountain.

    It is later revealed by Buster Friendly that the story of Wilbur Mercer is made-up and that he never existed. He is played by the alcoholic (NAME OF ACTOR HERE)

    Buster Friendly: As the host of the Buster Friendly and His Friendly Friends show, he interviews many guests with who he discusses different topics. He often criticizes Mercerism and revelas the truth about the religion on his show.

    However, the 23-hour daily runtime of his show begs to question if he even is human or an android.

  • The story of Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep takes places in an undefined near future, in which a global war has led to the radioactive polltuion of the earth. With the purpose of protecting humanity from this pollution, the emigration to mars is heavily advocated by the governments.

    An important help in the process of integration mars are the androids, who are created by the Rosen Association. On mars those androids function purely as labour forces, which leads to brutal uprisings and also escapes to earth. There the androids hope to have a peaceful life.

    As a consequnce of the global war, mostly all animals have died out on earth. The last ones left are held as pets, because of their rarity. Therefore, owning a pet has an immense influence on your social status. Those animals are so desired that people even get cheaper electric ones to feel accepted in society.

    Wilbur Mercer is an elderly looking man, climbing up a mountain with the goal of reaching the top. He is a virtual entity, which can be accessed by an Empathy box, which allows the user to join Mercers journey and also suffering. It connects the minds of the people using the box. (here a part about religion)